This blog is PR friendly! I would LOVE to review YOUR product and/or host a giveaway. Contact me at: kpacheco at gmail dot com

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

SPIbelt Review & Giveaway!

 "It won't bounce!"

I contacted SPIbelt to see if I could do a review of one of their belts. Debbie Pagell responded to my e-mails, and she was soooo WONDERFUL to work with! Not only did she say yes to allowing me to do a review, but she had me go onto their website and choose which belt I wanted. Down to the last detail of color! 

I chose the Water Resistant Energy belt in turquoise. 

After running a half marathon in the rain a week prior to ordering this belt, I felt like I wanted to have a water resistant belt to try out!

Here is SPIbelts description of this belt: 
Light Weight and lean, yet protective. Using our same sweat proof material as our specialty armband, this belt makes a great companion for you heavy sweat types, or those who like to play hard!

The loops for the energy gels. This was important to me. I currently have a belt that did not have the loops on the outside for the gels, and I felt like having the gels and everything else in the pocket was just too bulky! Problem alleviated!

You can barely see the belt!

Close up of the gels in the loops.

Nice and small

I typically turn the belt so that the pocket is in the back, and then my shirt will cover it. You don't even feel it on you!

Stretching it out...even a larger person can wear one!

I LOVED this SPIbelt! I'm definitely planning to wear it again! I actually took the belt and ran it under water, and it did it's job! No water got into the inside of the pocket! Like I mentioned, I typically turn my belt around so that the pocket is in the back. Having the gel loops on the side made it so much easier for me not only to grab while I was running, but also to access the other items in the pocket. 

I wear the belt pretty low on my hips. I don't like it on my waist. Other belts that I've tried out have somehow made their way back up to my waist...but the SPIbelt stayed put! It didn't move! Stayed on my hips the entire time.

Thank you SPIbelt for being soooo awesome!

Now, onto some fun! YOU can have your very own SPIbelt! The people at SPIbelt are very generous and are allowing you to have the same experience that I had! You will work with Deb, to pick out the SPIbelt that is right for you!

  1. You MUST be a follower of my blog. 
  1. 'Like' Running What? on facebook.  There's a super easy button on the sidebar!
  2. 'Like' SPIbelt on facebook and leave a comment on their page telling them that Kristen @Running What? sent you! Let me know you did it
  3. Tweet about the giveaway
  4. Facebook the giveaway
  5. Blog about the giveaway
  6. Write an actual post about the giveaway...send me the link.
That's up to 7 entries! I'll use to choose a winner on June 2.

* SPIbelt did not pay me in any way to write this review. They solely sent me the belt to test out.


  1. Does it count that I follow your blog on google reader?! Omg I want a spi belt so bad!

  2. i;m a follower!

  3. i love ya on facebook

  4. I like spiebelt on facebook

  5. i facebooked the giveaway

  6. I posted the giveaway on my sidebar

  7. I blogged about it

  8. added giveaway to sidbar on blog -

  9. I posted on their wall

  10. Trying this again. Very cool product. Typically I use one of those clip on things to carry my gel and it tends to slip and rub. This looks like a better solution.

  11. And I also like SPIbelt on facebook.

  12. I tweeted it:!/search/FootStrides

  13. Hmmm... I already follow you, like you on FB, and like Spibelt on FB. Just posted about the giveway on their page. Don't tweet, though...

  14. I follow your blog!

  15. I NEED a SPIbelt! I follow your blog!

  16. I like SPIbelt on Facebook

  17. I am a follower, and have a link to your site on my blog.

    Have a great day,


  18. I am a new follower.

  19. I liked you on Facebook

  20. I also liked SPibelt on Facebook.

  21. this is on my blog -

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I liked SPIbelt and left a comment on facebook

  24. I tweeted about the giveaway: @jhooker517

  25. I posted a link on my blog:

  26. I shared the link to the giveaway on my facebook page

  27. I liked Running What? on FB.

  28. I liked Spibelt on FB (and told them you sent me!)

  29. I'm linking to your giveaway on my blog.

  30. Jenny - Just posted about the giveway on their page

  31. Following! Done one half marathon myself last year. Sprained my ankle right before we started, but I still ran all 13.1 miles... though I guess most of it couldn't be called running, really, lol. I just did a 5k last month, and looking forward to doing more this year. Would love a SPI belt to go with me! =D

    I'll post on FB as well; I've already liked you on FB :)

  32. I follow your blog on Google Reader.

  33. I 'Liked' Running What? on facebook.

  34. I 'Like' SPIbelt on facebook, and I left a comment on their page.

  35. I tweeted about the giveaway (@carrotrunr)

  36. I like SPIbelt on Facebook! :)

  37. I like you on FB (Florencia P.A.)

  38. I shared the link to the giveaway on my facebook page

  39. i just started following you

  40. i liked spibelt on fb and said ya sent me

  41. I like SpiBelt on FB and let them know you sent me.

  42. I posted the giveaway on my blog's sidebar.

  43. Like Running What?, Like SPIbelt and left a comment over there:) Sooooo need a SPIbelt as I train for my first marathon!

  44. I now follow your blog, liked your facebook page, liked the SPIbelt page (and left a comment there). I want a waterproof one and one that holds my GU on the belt and not in the pouch - that would be so awesome. Thanks for the review - so helpful.


Thanks for leaving me some love!